–Diane di Prima (Rant)–

“The war is the war for the human imagination”

A Newsletter so Good, We Can’t Believe it Either

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A vocational economy – rooted in a contemplative and creative process


To foster a community rooted in social and individual responsibility, the contemplative creative process, and meaningful work.

We strive to create a supportive environment where artists can bear witness to each other’s growth and receive public recognition for their creations.


*Personal Relationship to Divinity

Featured Writing

  • Prioritizing Meaningful Careers: A New Era of Work

    Prioritizing Meaningful Careers: A New Era of Work

    As the world rapidly evolves, so does our relationship with work. More and more, individuals are prioritizing meaningful careers over cold hard cash. This change in mindset has ushered in a new era of creativity and innovation. The question is raised, if we are not a society of individuals aiming to pursue our passions and…

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  • On Siddhas, Sages and Society: The Powerful Call of Crazy Wisdom

    On Siddhas, Sages and Society: The Powerful Call of Crazy Wisdom

    Will Thomas & Nick Kistler If you want to understand the mysticism of many Asian and Indian gurus, you have to understand the Tibetan phrase, “yeshé cholwa”, commonly translated as crazy wisdom, but more accurately rendered as, “wisdom unbound”. The concept is essentially that there is a certain type of wisdom that provides illumination beyond…

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